I provided a wide-range of consulting, facilitating and training services to the Australian nonprofit sector over a 10-year period from 2009 through to 2019. During that period I was also in the process of completing my PhD research into change management in the nonprofit sector and have now expanded this research through my academic post at Excelsia College where I have recently been appointed to the position of Honorary Research Fellow. In this capacity I also continue my academic research into change management in the nonprofit sector, specifically dealing with implementation challenges associated with the National Disability Insurance Scheme by disability service providers.
These engagements with a large number of nonprofit organisations are evidenced in the numerous recommendations which have been reproduced below.
My consulting experience, couple with my historic and ongoing research has enabled me to continue to provide my successful Change Management Masterclass sessions which were first launched in 2018. For further information including Program dates and registration details, please contact me through the Contact page above.

Further details can be obtained through my LinkedIn profile which can be viewed by clicking on the link below.
Deirdre Cheers, CEO at Barnardos Australia
I have engaged David Rosenbaum on two discrete occasions for work in the area of risk management frameworks suitable for (and tailored to) the not for profit environment. He has delivered in a timely manner and is expert in this area. I have no hesitation in recommending him.
Donna Bain, General Manager, Self Help Workplace
David has worked with the Self Help Workplace Board and senior staff to assist the organ isatin understand and respond to the challenges and opportunities created by the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and other issues affecting the social enterprise. David demonstrated a strategic understanding of the sector and our business and supported the organisation to identify and analyse the issues and develop realistic action plans that the organisation has pursued. The organisation values David’s insights and approach and would be very happy to work with him again.
Gavin Nicholson, National Unit Convenor – Australian Institute of Management Business School
Dr. David Rosenbaum is a person who possesses significant business knowledge across the finance, change management and not for profit sectors. He has regularly presented at conferences around the world, is the author of a number of peer reviewed academic journal articles and works actively in the consulting industry. Professionally, he has a unique ability to interact, engage and develop people from senior management to rank and file employees and impart his knowledge in a manner that leaves a lasting impression on the people he teaches. I would highly recommend David as the all round business professional who is able to blend academic qualifications, business knowledge and its practical application across a number of business disciplines.
Michael Cherry, Trusted Advisor & Adjunct Professor
David combines an exemplary understanding of current management concepts and theories with a very strong business acumen – a very rare blend indeed. That is, not only does he have a scholarly understanding of business concepts, he can and does put them into effective practice. He would be an asset to any business school seeking to provide their students with a rewarding and engaging learning experience. David’s strong collegiate spirit with his peers (he is very generous with his time and attention) is also noteworthy. I have no hesitation recommending David for any role where he believes he can add value!
Professor Peter Steane msc, Company Director & Emeritus Professor
David’s research into change management in the non-profit sector makes a significant contribution to what we know of the sector and how to initiate effective change that has long-term success.
Dr. David Paul, Executive Advisor to C-level leaders in Mindfulness; Transformational Change and Leadership
David is one of the few gifted facilitators who can make the complex, simple. This is a gift which few possess. David has consulted and published in the field of Change Management. Few have actually studied and conducted research on Change and I fully endorse David both as a leader and consultant of change. Any organisation looking to solve complex issues in the fields of change and/or finance, look no further!
Lou Bacchiella, CEO, Metro Assist
“Overall, I believe David’s presentation answered all the key questions around the proposed move to a Company Limited by Guarantee. The presentation was highly relevant, put things into perspective, and provided some challenges in terms of our future visioning. The presentation clarified any questions our Board members may have had around; why become a Company Limited by Guarantee; what does it mean in terms of Director’s responsibilities, and the role of the Board. There is great clarity in the way David presents the information and his outlining of the environment of NFPs.”
Kamalle Dabboussy, CEO, Liverpool Migrant Resource Centre
“I have worked with David on a Governance change process as part of another large NGO and recently with the Board of Liverpool MRC. David has been able to work with a group of people bringing in Knowledge, expertise and ability to produce comprehensive but concise outcome. He is able to add value to a complex process, making it easy to understand and taking the team along with him, with his professionalism and focus on the subject at hand. It was a pleasure to work with David.”
Simone Roche, Manager Client Services North, Carers Qld
Following a company-wide Change Management Workshop “Well-paced, relevant content…Workshop groups were very relevant.”
Tess Parker, Chief Executive Officer, Avenues Lifestyle Support Assoc. Inc.
“Following a Board Workshop on the integration of Strategy and Risk from a board’s perspective “I think one of the greatest challenges is what the Board does once the workshop has been held. What resonates with them to the point of action and what things do they put aside? Some members of our Board have a renewed ‘fire in the belly’ whilst others are deafeningly quiet. Looking forward to the months ahead. Thank you for your energy and inspiration!”
Cathie Craigie, Executive Director, First Nations Australia Writers Network (FNAWN)
“I have worked with David over the last three years. He has a great approach to dealing with people. For the last few years, David has worked with Indigenous organisations and he has showed a clear understanding of cultural perspectives. I would highly recommend David and his work with not for profit organisations. He is a pleasure to work with.”
Violet Roumeliotis, CEO, Settlement Services International
In response to a Governance Review of the Board “Efficient and professional and offered sound advice in how to approach the assignment to maximise results…Invaluable input and expert advice that has led to some transformational thinking from our end…A pleasant and effective and valuable experience from the beginning to the end. Great outcomes for SSI.”
Doug Talbert, CEO and Karen Abel, Business Manager, The Housing Connection. In response to the design of a Risk Management Framework “The assignment was carried out most professionally. We were impressed with the level of focus and diligence with which the assignment was carried out. The results are of strong benefit to the organisation.” and “As well as providing a comprehensive framework for our organisation David inspired us to take a fresh look at risk and gain confidence that we now have the tools to manage risks well.”
Joanne Ramadge, CEO, Australian Diabetes Educators Association. “David has provided governance training to the ADEA Board on a number of occasions. He has a detailed knowledge of governance within the not for profit sector and provided excellent value. David’s presentation was very well accepted, providing new ideas and highlighting areas that need further development and attention.”
Anna Buddo, General Manager, Hunters Hill Ryde Community Services Inc.“The Risk Management Framework implemented for Hunters Hill Ryde Community Services by OPTIMUM NFP provides an important tool to improve risk management in our organisation. David has a thorough knowledge of the not-for-profit sector and the environment in which we are operating.” and regarding a subsequent review of progress on implementation of the Risk Management Framework “The audit gave us goals to improve which will be entered into a continuous improvement plan. The audit is an important part of the Risk Management framework as it ensures momentum is maintained and as an organisation you continuously improve the risk framework process.”
Sue Blundell, Executive Director, English Australia“David demonstrated a sound knowledge of both theory and practice in the area of risk management and applied this knowledge with particular thoroughness to our situation. We were extremely pleased with the comprehensiveness of his report and the insights shown.”
Vicki Battisti, Chief Executive Officer, Koorana In response to a mentoring program for the CEO and the General Manager Business Services:“A systematic approach to the brief ensured each session had a clear direction and was relevant to task. The approach taken was flexible to allow for movement along the way if and when necessary. Discussions challenged my thinking and general approach. Relationship building is strength of Optimum’s consultancy, ensuring that the sessions are honest, ethical and comfortable. Invaluable input that will result in enhanced strategic planning and stronger and clearer expectations around cross-accountabilities.”
Kerry Reed-Gilbert, Chair First Nations Australia Writers’ Network In response to the development of a Governance Framework for a new organisation: “Great professional working relationship, cultural understanding and a willingness to learn. Nothing was too hard or unable to be done. Professional high standard of service.”
Tom Ristoski, Director Executive Education at Australian Catholic University “In thinking of someone who is authentic, passionate and has strong credentials in the Not-for-Profit sector, I think of David. He consults regularly within the sector and his client results are excellent. David has taught on the Graduate Certificate in Management of Not-for-Profit Organisations at ACU and rates very highly in the challenging field of accounting and finance.”
Peter Schneider, Manager-Business Development, Family Resource & Network Services “David has been providing consultant’s services to FRANS for many years. His expertise and his ability to adapt that to sector specific circumstances ensure that his clients are kept abreast of statutory and best practice standards. My engagement with David evolves around risk management, and I have experienced firsthand the high standard of his work and the delivery of tangible and easy-to-follow processes to address, assess and improve risk management strategies and procedures.”
Professor Elizabeth More, Foundation Executive Dean, Faculty of Business, Australian Catholic University “In response to the facilitation of their Strategic Planning exercise “David Rosenbaum took the trouble to really listen to the client’s needs and shape his facilitation around these rather than impose his own pre-set views – much appreciated”
Stephen Mondy Deputy Executive Director, Centacare Broken Bay “David’s approach was professional and well grounded in current research and practice. The data collection process undertaken was flexible, appropriate, and sensitive to the needs of operational staff. Reports were comprehensive and liaison between the agency and OPTIMUM NFP was timely and responsive. Centacare Broken Bay has no hesitation in recommending OPTIMUM NFP to other not for profit agencies looking to develop a risk management framework.”
Leanne Warner Chief Executive Officer, Cure Cancer Australia Foundation “David Rosenbaum worked well with Cure Cancer Australia to conduct a ‘health check’ and make recommendations for our Board. Both the communication and the process were very effective. They provided the Board with a common platform and a preparedness to review and consider some new ideas to enhance their performance. I look forward to monitoring the changes and improvements we experience as a result.”
Denise Heath Chief Executive Officer, Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation Inc. “David has assisted with the development and implementation of change management strategies so that our organisation will have the capability to satisfy the needs of people with a disability in a person centred and individually funded environment. David has worked intensively with me and then facilitated Action learning with service delivery staff, effectively accelerating the awareness of the need for change across the whole organisation. I have appreciated David’s professionalism, and his carriage of the Action Learning Teams to their final conclusion and presentations.” – and with regards being commissioned to report on the path of project design and development – “Thank you for your assistance with our project reporting. Accurately documenting a new project journey is vital to our understanding of not only what happened along the way, but the wider context and place the project holds within the scope of our organisation and sector. The documented journey developed as a third party to the project, gave a balanced and honest viewpoint, helping us to reflect on what we learned as well as highlighting our achievement.”
Robyn Goodwill, Business Manager,& Sue Scheinpflug, CEO, Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health. In response to the design of a Risk Management Framework for the organisation: “David Rosenbaum has provided a high-quality, comprehensive report addressing issues that have been challenging us for a long period of time. His recommendations were thorough and well thought out and I look forward to working with him in the future as we continue on our not for profit journey.” And “David’s insight and advice in risk management was helpful to our organisation and timely during a period of change and re-structure.”
Jerry McNamara, CEO, Family Resource & Network Services “It was a pleasure to work with David Rosenbaum who was very professional, well organised and delivered exactly what the organisation required. The work will be invaluable for both Board development as well as organisation risk management.”
Greg Bergan, Chief Executive Officer, Eastern Respite & Recreation Inc. In response to their strategic planning facilitation:
“David took the time to research and clarify what we were looking for. Everything was on time and as promised. The process was very beneficial, inspired confidence and delivered what was needed. David’s approach was easy going but professional. Our two half day sessions were well received by all the participants, as was the outcome.”
Cathy Murdoch, Director, Ausdance NSW. In response to their strategic planning facilitation: “OPTIMUM NFP understood the nature and purpose of the organisation and the assignment and required outcomes. The session produced 3 key priority areas of focus for the organisation and identified internal and external environmental factors that could impact on the organisation. It also identified new potential strategic partners and investment opportunities to advance the strategic direction of the organisation.”
Skye Richmond, Manager MLA Donor Company & Dr Rod Coogan, Manager Innovation Capability, Meat & Livestock Australia. In response to Action Learning trials with 2 concurrent teams within the MLA: “Overall the experience was a positive one and we look forward to engaging with the rest of MLA to introduce the methodology across more meetings.” And “I enjoyed working with David and valued his advice regarding the Action Learning project we worked on.”
Clair Matthews, Executive Director, Australian Diabetes Educators Association. In response to a board governance review and subsequent governance training session for all board members: “It was spot on.”
Janis Redford, General Manager, Catholic Healthcare Community Services “David was engaged to undertake a consultancy which involved communication with a range of stakeholders. He has approached this task in a professional and competent manner, achieving the desired deliverables within the agreed time frame.”